Wednesday, September 19, 2007


When I think of traveling, I think I must go far away. I don't think often of shorter trips. Sometimes there is so much to be seen in one's own back yard, literally.

Today while working, I saw a couple of Monarch butterflies. I came across some animal tracks that I did not recognize. I discovered several vines of a variety which I am not familiar with. I watched the leaves on the maple across the way dance gently as I ate my lunch on the front porch. I noted that the hose had made hieroglyphs in the grass where I'd left it lay too long. I inspected a row of flowers that are just about ready to go to seed.

All in all, quite an adventurous day in the wilds of my back yard.

Now, I just need to make a decision about going to Seattle. Ah, Seattle with it's wonderfully quirky restaurants, its lakes spreading out in every direction and it's laid back people having sifted in from every corner of this nation and beyond. I love it. But do I want to live there? It's a conundrum. I want to go. I don't want to go. My son and daughter in law are there. My life is here. So much to think on in these next few weeks. I know there's a good answer for me, the adventurous traveler. I just have to let it come. Open myself to knowing what's right for me right now.

I'll let you know.


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